The “ Sea Review” is one of the world’s leading publications for maritime professionals, with an international circulation.
Our basic principle is: “ MULTUM IN PARVO”.
Every edition is packed with news and features on safety, piracy, fatique, criminalisation, security, inland navigation, port state control, pay and conditions, protecting seafarer’s, IMO, ILO , the NI, ITF, ICS, IACS news, reports from the maritime world.
We welcome feedback from our readers. If you’ve got news and views, let us know!
And we are always pleased to receive good photographs showing all aspects of life at sea today.
If you change your job, your home address or even your name, we need to know.
If you think you have an interesting and useful material for publishing, please, get in touch.
Contact us today – e-mail:
The “ Sea Review” – we couldn’t do it without you …
ATTENTION to the readers of the journal “Sea Review”!
From the 2-nd half of 2024, the publication of the printed version of the journal will be stop. Only the electronic version of the journal will be published for the members of the Institute.